This building is a bit of a throwback to late 19th century architecture. The look, captured here in beautiful black and white and coupled with what appears to be a crisp winter afternoon, gives it that nostalgic touch. It has the type of look that would prompt a person with real memories of WWII to proudly point and exclaim “Now that’s when buildings were buildings!” Reminiscent of New York City’s legendary Flatiron Building and the sight of what appears to be construction workers toiling away on the lower right makes me wonder if, much like the famous NYC landmark, this structure houses a few blue collar businesses. I’m reminded that the Flatiron Building was home to J. Jonah Jameson’s Daily Bugle in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films. I see the open window and picture the frazzled editor shaking his fist and screaming “GET ME FOOTAGE OF SPIDERMAN! HE’S A MENACE TO THE CITY!” as his army of newsboys storm by yelling “EXTREE! EXTREE! READ ALL ABOUT IT!” to passersby in a familiar Roaring Twenties accent. Or perhaps this is simply your average office building where small talk reigns supreme and merely getting to Friday is as anticipated as Christmas Day. So many possibilities.

OFF THE GRID Collection, 2016. Digital Photograph. ©OFF THE GRID. All rights reserved.