I’m coming out…I want the world to know that….
A colorful bubble with the blind/low vision symbol of a person with a cane superimposed on it. The legs and cane are elongated because of the concaveness of the bubble.
N.B.: These descriptions were developed from a series of conversations between artist Jessica Skintges Wallach and comedian Lamont Price, The People’s heART’s docent. Sometimes they choose to write these descriptions in one voice and sometimes they choose to highlight their individual thoughts. These pieces are a conversation started and they both are very interested in what you see in them and what they make you think about. Please leave comments below.
Jessica: We all have places we are going and once you know access is a right, secured and not a question, we can take on our purpose, come out in confidence, be determined or switch our focus of our determination from safety and accessibility to where we are going and what we want to do when we get there…Where would you go if accessibility and safety were not in question?
Lamont: Determination. We need to be able to discuss the accessibility and safety standards in every place we go. Everyone deserves to feel confident and safe in their surroundings at all times. We can all make meaningful contributions to society if our minds are at ease. This seems like the simplest thing we can do to help push us forward. Again, access is a right for all of us and shouldn’t be determined by our abilities or our skin color or our gender or any other way we identify. People with different bodies don’t deserve less access and safety. They deserve more. The bubble is like a force field of confidence. It cannot be popped. It’s impenetrable.

Jessica Skintges Wallach, I’m coming out…I want the world to know that…., 2022. Digital Photograph. ©Jessica Wallach. All rights reserved.