Business owner, Mass state Ambassador for The Muscular Dystrophy Association, person living with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy.
“I believe in honesty, thinking before you speak and in being neat. As a kid I was a shy, organized fashionista. I was raised by my single Mom. She is my light & would do anything for me. I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy at 23 while in graduate school for my masters – that was my worst day. For a long time I was in denial over my diagnoses but I have overcome & I’m sharing my story with the world. I am a go getter. I’m unique, creative and I’m still a fashionista. I have fears about my future with MD & worry about the unknown. I have to take things day by day. I worry about things like not succeeding in my business & about losing my mother. I overcome many obstacles living with a disability everyday. I face discrimination & some people are not accepting. I feel not good enough in the times when I’m weak & tired and not able to be as independent as I’d like. I’m insecure about gaining weight & about my stomach, ugh it’s so big. But I love my face. I think it’s important to find things that make you feel good, to keep busy and to be around people who inspire & motivate you. I’d tell a 12 year old me to save money, to do what she wants & not waste any time, to stay organized & to keep hustling. I wish there was more money to be given in the world and more drugs to treat major illnesses. I wish there was less anger. Happiness comes from surrounding yourself with positive people & spending time with family and friends. Beauty is found in someone with a good personality who treats people with respect. In 10 years I hope to be a successful business owner being featured on talk shows. I hope to have my line GCR in major stores and to be coming out with an adaptive clothing line for people with disabilities. I hope I’ll be able to give back more. I am proud of my confidence & the fact that I don’t let anything stop me. I am proud to share my story of bravery in dealing with MD while trying to remain as positive as I can. I am a strong, powerful fashionista. I am Keisha and I won’t stop until I get to where I want to be.”

Kristie Dean, Keisha, 2019. Digital Photograph. ©Kristie Dean. All rights reserved.