Mother, teacher, singer, songwriter, caretaker, and peace activist.
“I value honesty and open mindedness. I’m an extrovert with a huge personality but it doesn’t extend to all places and spaces – sometimes I like to hide in the corner and observe. The day I found out I was having my son Cash was my best day. On free days we take rides to random spaces and explore – I remind him that we aren’t confined to the places we know, that the world is huge and possibilities to explore are endless. My greatest strength is my voice and my ability to reach people with it. But it’s not easy to balance being a single mom with music life. Sometimes I worry about not having enough time to get everything off my soul that I feel needs to be released creatively. My struggle with anxiety has been my greatest challenge. I was about 14 when I had my first panic attack. These days, I can manage my anxiety with tools and strategies like exercise and medication. I’d tell a 12 year old me not to change a thing. I’d tell her to continue to dress and act how she wants because one day people will admire those parts of her. I think we all have had moments of feeling not enough. For me that didn’t begin until college. As a teen, despite being bullied by various groups, I still thought I was a G. My dad always instilled in me that no one could take my confidence away from me. It wasn’t until I hit college and was dealing with living in a tiny box of society that I began to reflect on if I was actually enough. I wish there was more love in the world and less screen time. To me, success is doing something that makes me want to get up each morning and repeat. Beauty is found in someone or something that is so unapologetically itself. In 10 years I hope to be doing what I love with the people I love. I’m most excited about my new album dropping in December. My story is one of survival and perseverance. I’m proud that I am still standing. I am fiery, passionate and tough. I am Lisa. I am a fighter and I love to sing.”

Kristie Dean, Lisa, 2022. Digital Photograph. ©Kristie Dean. All rights reserved.