Drowning in Tears
The downpour of tears shed cannot wash away the names of the many lives stolen from our collective memory. Continuously we have to reclaim space and allow their names to be the beacon that ignites the path for the ongoing movement.
In this image, a symbol of anonymity is poignantly repurposed to draw attention to very human individuals. Against the dark backdrop of a black umbrella, stark white lettering makes it impossible to ignore the faces of the countless individuals who have lost their lives to structural violence: Tamir Rice, Oscar Grant, Usaamah Rahim, Korryn Gaines and Rekia Boyd. Their stories become vivid and individual, rising above the mass violence much of society has learned to overlook. In this fight for the rights of a community, their names will not be lost in the crowd.

Amir Leung-Tat, Drowning in Tears, 2020. Digital Photograph. ©Amir Leung-Tat. All rights reserved.