Unlike the narrative we continue to see in mainstream media about young black men, they are descendants of royalty. Consequently, they can walk into any space with their heads held high, adjust their crowns, and claim their rightful place in the world.
“I am not African because I was born in Africa but because Africa was born in me.”
Kwame Nkrumah
In a moment of joyful simplicity, the photographer captures a young man aglow with laughter and sunlight, caught in a moment of connection. The image is honest and effortless — but a breath of lightness amid media representations of violence and gang activity among African youth. These depiction soften obscure the values of pride and positivity in African culture. This man is portrayed as the hidden section of the story: a successful, strong, and bold African youth living with the pride of being Black — just like a prince.

Amir Leung-Tat, Prince, 2020. Digital Photograph. ©Amir Leung-Tat. All rights reserved.